Monday, October 22, 2012


Assalamualaikum... Woohooo long time no post! Okay now I'll just share some photos that I took 2 weeks ago. Guess where??? At University of Indonesia! Exactly, October 6th 2012 I went to BKUI 13 with my social classmate. 

And this is the documentation of my adventure hehehehe ^^

Lena, Ambar, Rahma, Innal (me), Dhea, Linda, Zien, Muti

Imad, Ambar, Rahma, Zien, Linda, Dhea, Muti, Reza

Lena, Dhea, and Linda on the "Yellow Bus"

Grey Makara, Faculty of Economy

Calon Mahasiswi! Amin :D

Linda, Dhea, Muti, Zien, Rahma, Lena, Innal (me), Imad, and Reza

"Semoga kita berjodoh dengan Istana Ilmu di Depok itu ya teman-teman..."

